December 1, 2009

Check out Joyce Meyer's book "Hearing the Voice of God" here. Great stuff

October 29, 2009

Strategically Placed by the Hand of God

God's love for us is extravagant and and He is strategically placing us, the children that He loves immensely, all over the world... In places that we are uniquely suited for. But more importantly, in places pre-ordained by God, with us in mind, to bring forth His purposes in the world... His plans, His dreams.

We can be at the Right Place, at the Right Time, with the Right People, all of the time. We do not have to figure it all out ahead of time, but rather, it is our job to fully rest in God's all knowing power and wisdom, and then allow Him to get us and keep us in position for victory!

God's blessing and power will do their work and as they do, the favor of God will follow us everywhere we go, placing us just where we need to be... stragtegically placed everyday... everytime.

It is God's way. It is wonderful. And it is yours.

Powerful video ~ The reason for it All