September 23, 2009

Your Dream... Unreachable?

Have you ever had a thought or a dream but as you began to ponder on it, it just seemed too wild or bold or unreachable?

Have you ever wondered what it would be like to reach for the stars and actually touch them or hold the sparkling moonbeams in your hand?

If thoughts like these have danced within the depths of your heart and into your thoughts then know, beyond a shadow of a doubt, that you are among those through whom destiny unfolds.

It takes a person who dreams to change the world, to make it a more wonderful place. You my friend are a gift to many, a gift that perhaps as yet has not been opened.

Allow God to unwrap your special gift that is hiding somewhere deep inside of you. Let him unveil it and show you the wonders of his radiating presence. And let Him do the miraculous through you.

There is nothing impossible with God. Let Him work the impossible in you.

Please feel free to share your comments with me. Click on the comment link right below this post. I'd love to hear from you.


  1. It is true, inside of us is the purpose we were created for and for which we are uniquely equipped. If we will just obey, He will bring it to pass.

  2. This is great. To know and realise that God our maker has a purpose for each of us is awesome. None of us is a biological accident. There is a purpose and a destiny attached to each of us and it behoves us to discover what that purpose is.

    May Victor


Powerful video ~ The reason for it All