October 8, 2009


As I sit at my computer in the late afternoon of this cloudy, wet, and cool day, I remember a time not very long ago.

A time of questions, of doubt, of the unknown. As I look back over that time and then bring my focus back to the present, I am amazed at Our God, and what He has done.

Make no mistake, God uses very ordinary people to do very extraordinary things. And that, my friend, means that He is very ready and actually excited about you and your place in His plan for this year, this month, this day.

As you sit and look around you, as you press into God's presence, you may not see anything unusual or spectacular. But that is ok. In fact it is very ok. It is just the environment for God to begin His undercover workings inside of you. And one day, it will no longer be undercover.

It will explode from its former boundaries of your mind and spirit, and will be revealed for the whole world to see and appreciate. And you, my friend, will be walking in your destiny.

Be blessed today and seek God's face with earnest expectation.

He is working.

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Powerful video ~ The reason for it All